I’m a sucker for novels which treat genres as a game and run
rampant, laughing at the idea of easy classification. This is such a novel, a
confident melding of science-fiction, an intergenerational family saga, physics,
mystery, satire, history and even a classical form of tragedy. We’re dropped in
at the deep end, meeting our narrator Waldemar Tolliver who’s engaged in
writing a history of himself and his family in an unusual setting in terms of
both space and time. The enigma of just what constitutes lost time accidents
begins with Waldemar’s great grandfather and a note he leaves just prior to a
fatal car accident. This note is the novel’s MacGuffin, inspiring the members
of the family to a kind of century long collective madness and one which sets
them up in direct opposition to a physicist known to them by the disparaging
nickname of ‘the Patent Clerk’. The novel unfolds their opposition to Einstein’s
theories at leisure, being careful for much of its length to leave it to the
reader to decide whether it genuinely works in context of the novel’s world or
whether it’s a delusion related by an unreliable narrator.
It’s this strange theory which allows the author to get at
the issue at the novel’s heart; how we’re the physical and psychological
product of our ancestors and the recipients of their hopes, fears and neuroses
and what that means for us. The ultimate fate of our narrator indicates that,
even if we might physically step outside that, we’re largely stuck with the
weight their inheritance bestows upon us, unable to escape our family. Family
ends up being destiny, determining our way. It’s something of a downbeat
thought but one the novel powerfully realises, particularly with the last few
lines which, if you’re paying attention, complete the tragedy and the theme of tragic
circularity. It might be trying to make a grand statement that’s been made by
other contemporary novelists but it wears that gravity of Trying To Say
Something Profound lightly; wrapping it up with a comedy, tragedy and a host of
interesting and entertaining characters. The events these characters go through
are always unlikely but the fascinating kernel most of them have keeps things
grounded – the weird aunts, the cult leader, the Nazi great-uncle and the
unwilling L Ron Hubbard of a dad are all believable, convincingly motivated
human beings who contrive to struggle fruitlessly in the web of their family’s
mania. They’re rarely likeable as we can clearly see their faults (often
through Waldemar’s eyes and even his narrative exposes his flaws) but Wray’s exceptional
at understanding the way people are broken which makes them interesting and
portraying that. Thought-provoking, absurdist, challenging and ladled with
great lines understand that the impact of a good punchline derives in part from
how the joke is told.
(STANDARD DISCLAIMER – The copy I read was an advance eBook
provided gratis by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review).